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Quelle peut m’aider? Je dois décrire une journée scolaire ou un week-end en anglais ( 15 lignes) et je dois utiliser le présent simple, des adverbes de fréquence et des expressions de temps ( les heures,...) TTvTT

Sagot :

Réponse :

During the weekend I went camping with my family. At first, it was really tiring to just sit in the car and watching boring mountains all the way along. But when I arrived, the first thing I felt was oh yes let's have fun. We made our tent and took out our barbecue machine etc. I wish my friends were also here to share the good experience with me. That night we went to do a campfire and set on the logs and put some marshmellows on our brenches and ate them when they mellted.How delicious it was. I am still imagining them. The next day, We were going rafting! I heard that rafting was a sport that was difficult and saw many people falling from their raft so I was quite scared at first. But it was a lot of fun even if we fell 2 times. In the evening we had sewead barbecue. We did some rockclimbing. Going down from rock climbing was so fun you just hang on a rope and kind of automatically descend. I still remember how fun it was and wish to go there again.  

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