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merci de m'aider svp
exercice 4.
Fill in don't or doesn't:
1. tennis every Sunday.
2. We...go to the park.
3. eating fish.
4. Sue....wear long dresses.
5. getting up early
6. My drinking milk.
7. My cousin...know Italian well.
8. walking with my dog.
9. Pam...go to the gym.
10. They...understand this rule.
11. We...often go to the movies.
12 Liz...wear shorts at all.
13. Tim...grow flowers in the garden.​

Sagot :

Réponse :

1. doesn't

2. don't

3. doesn't

4. doesn't


6. doesn't

7. don't

8. doesn't

9. doesn't

10. Don't

11. don't

12. doesn't

13. doesn't

Good evening

On mets doesn’t quand c’est à la 3ème personne du singulier

1/ Doesn’t
2/ Don’t
3/ Doesn’t
4/ Doesn’t
5/ Don’t
6/ Don’t
7/ Doesn’t
8/ Don’t
9/ Doesn’t
10/ don’t
11/ don’t
12/ doesn’t
13/ doesn’t

J’espère t’avoir aidé
Bonne soirée