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52 Ajoute a/an/the ou ø dans les phrases suivantes.
a. ... teacher showed us ... documentary about all ... films
shot in New Zealand. It was really ... interesting video.
b. I met all ... crew of ... Lords of ... Rings when I went to
c. In New Zealand ... children don't spend much time
playing ... video games because they prefer doing ...
outdoor activities such as ... swimming or ... hiking.
d. ... children I told you about were surfing like mad!
They were only 8!
e. ... rugby team I met was amazing. I really love ....

Sagot :

Good morning

A/ THE teacher showed us A documentary about all films shot in New Zealand.
It was really AN interesting video.

B/ i met all THE crew of Lords of THE Rings when I went to Auckland.

C/ on ne mets rien dans tte la phrase.
In New Zealand children don’t spend much time playing video games because they prefer doing outdoor activities such as swimming or hiking.

D/ la d n’a pas de sens pour moi , il n’y a pas d’erreurs ??

E/ THE rugby team I met was amazing.I really love rugby.

Have a good day