Zoofast.fr rend la recherche de réponses rapide et facile. Obtenez des réponses précises à vos questions grâce à notre communauté d'experts toujours prêts à fournir des solutions rapides et pertinentes.

bonjour j'aurais besoin d'aide mercii d'avance

1) What is the nature of the document? /1
2) What is it talking about? /1
3) Who created this document? /1
4) Who is it talking about? Justify with quote from the text. /2
5) Was he a member of a fraternity? Justify with quote from the text. 12
6) What happened to him? Justify with quotes from the text
7) How is called the ritual he endured? Quote the text.
8) Try to find a synonym of "bullying" in the text to define what he suffered
from. /1
9) What caused his death? Justify with quotes from the text.
10)Where did he die? Justify with quotes from the text.
11)How old was he? /2

Bonjour Jaurais Besoin Daide Mercii Davance 1 What Is The Nature Of The Document 1 2 What Is It Talking About 1 3 Who Created This Document 1 4 Who Is It Talki class=

Sagot :

1) This document is a text.
2)Attends d’abord je lis le texte
3)I don’t know, because it there isn’t write
Pour le après attend
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