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aidez moi svp
Complétez le dialogue entre Elleen et Moira en utilisant « be » au prétérit.
Eileen: Where
you last July?
Moira: We
in the south of Spain.
Eileen: How
the weather?
Moira: Not as nice as usual. It
too hot.
you with all your family?
Moira: No. My brother
not there. He
in California with his girlfriend. But my cousins Mirna
and Lloyd
with us. It

Sagot :

Bonjour !

Eileen: Where were you last July?

Moira: We were in the south of Spain.

Eileen: How was the weather?

Moira: Not as nice as usual. It was too hot.

Eileen: Were you with all your family?

Moira: No. My brother was not there. He was in California with his girlfriend. But my cousins Mirna and Lloyd were with us. It was great.​

Explications :

Conjugaison de be au prétérit :

I was

You were

He/She/It was

We were

You were

They were

J'espère t'avoir aidé. Bon courage !

Réponse :

Eileen: Where were last july ?

Moira: were  in the sout of spain.

Eileen: How the weather?

Moira: Not as nice as usual.Was too hot.

Eileen: were all your family?

Moira: No my brother not here. Was in California with is girlfriend.But my cousins Mirna and Lloyd with us. It great.​

Explications :voila j'espère que ça t'a aidé bon courage

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