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B. Les ancêtres italiens de Mike
se sont installés aux États-Unis en
Réécris les phrases en utilisant un
comparatif de supériorité pour
découvrir ce qui a changé dans leur
Mike's ancestors were (happy) in the
USA than in Italy. They weren't (rich)
and their house was (small), but they
had a (good) and (interesting) life! merci de m aider je n y arrive pas ​

B Les Ancêtres Italiens De Mikese Sont Installés Aux ÉtatsUnis En1970Réécris Les Phrases En Utilisant Uncomparatif De Supériorité Pourdécouvrir Ce Qui A Changé class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Mike's ancestors were happier in the  USA than in Italy. They weren't  richer  and their house was smaller, but they  had a better and more interesting life !

Good morning

Mike ´s ancestors were happier in the USA than in Italy .
They weren’t richer and their house was smaller but they had a better and more interesting life!

J’espère t’avoir aidé
Bon courage