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Bonsoir, pourriez vous m’aidez à me traduire ce texte en anglais , je vous en remercie

Bonsoir Pourriez Vous Maidez À Me Traduire Ce Texte En Anglais Je Vous En Remercie class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Here we have an artwork that was realised by a stencil on a grey wall, that denounce animal suffuring; and probably breeding conditions and cows conditionning for agroalimentary industrial. We can see a cow dressed in black, like it lives an ordeal; standing a sign written of: Fvck you eat yourself

Explications :


Here we have a work that was stenciled on a gray wall that denounces the animal suffering and probably the conditions of breeding and conditioning of the cow dress in black as if it lived a limestone so holding a sign with written(....)Eat yourself by you

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