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Bonjour quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à corriger les fautes de mon textes si il y en a svp?

The debate between pro and anti-marketing lasts since many year, while rhinos are dying. So we search a different approach to find funding in the perspective of financing local action plans, like « Médecins sans frontières » ,  lay out Alexandre wilox, a 20 year trader specialised in the cryptocurrency and in the initiative of the subject. My uncle was raising rhinos withs have been slaughtered. In general , poacher make carnage; they take off the horns with an axe while the animal is still living » he reports. Unlike the bitcoin, a currency totally virtual who doesn’t face an accumulation of piracy, the rhinocoin lean on a high-value physical asset, explain Mr Wilox. Until there, rhinoceros horns where very much sought after, especially in Asia, for imaginary medical virtues, while in reality, they are just made of keratin, like humans nails. « for now on, we realize that the buyers betting ont the extinction of the race and want the horns principaly for there values ». Assure Mr Wilox. On the black market , the rhinoceros horns exceeds the price of gold

Sagot :

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Si je ne m'abuse c'est plutôt comme ça :

Explications :

The debate between pro and anti-marketing lasts since many a year, while rhinos are dying. So we search a different approach to find funding in the perspective of financing local action plans, like « Médecins sans frontières » ,  lay out Alexandre wilox, a 20-year trader specialized in the cryptocurrency and in the initiative of the subject. My uncle was raising rhinos with have been slaughtered. In general, poacher make carnage; they take off the horns with an axe while the animal is still living" he reports. Unlike the bitcoin, a currency totally virtual who doesn’t face an accumulation of piracy, the rhino coin lean on a high-value physical asset, explain Mr Wilox. Until there, rhinoceros horns were very much sought after, especially in Asia, for imaginary medical virtues, while in reality, they are just made of keratin, like humans nails. « For now on, we realize that the buyers betting on the extinction of the race and want the horns principally for their values ». Assure Mr Wilox. On the black market, the rhinoceros horns exceeds the price of gold

Bien sur je ne dis pas qu'il n'y a pas de faute

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