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salut j'aurais besoin d'aide pour mon devoir d'anglais svp

EXERCISE 1: Trouve l'adjectif correspondant au nom ou au verbe des mots en gras.

1. This TV star is acting like a friend to total strangers. = This tv star is very ......
2. It's easy to predict the ending of this episode. = The ending of the episode is ......
3. You become an addict to the series very quickly. = This series is ....
4. There is some paradox in this character. = This character is ....
5. The anti-hero is a real creep! = This anti-hero is really ......

EXERCISE 2: Complète les phrases suivantes avec l'élément qui convient:
1. Nothing happens in "Riverdale", it's so ..... , so ...... !
2. I couldn't stop laughing watching "The Big Bang Therory": it was really ......
3. "Days of our lives" makes some people cry, because people are in love! But I find it too ......
4. I had to watch all the episodes of "Stranger Things" in one night because the story was so ....... !​

Sagot :

Réponse :


Exercise 1:

(tu dois regarder le mot qui décris (l'objet, film etc.) dans les phrases puis le transformer en adjectif qui décrit.)

  1. This TV star is very friendly.
  2. The ending of the episode is predictable.
  3. This series is addictive.
  4. This character is paradoxical.
  5. This anti-hero is really creepy.

Exercise 2:

  1. Nothing happens in "Riverdale", it's so boring!
  2. I couldn't stop laughing watching "The Big Bang Theory" : it was really funny.
  3. "Days of our lives" makes some people cry, because people are in love! But I find it too cheesy.
  4. I had to watch all the episodes of "stranger things" in one night because the story was so interesting!

Explications :


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