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bonsoir je n arrive pas a faire mon exercice d anglais quelqu'un pourrait m'aider s'il vous plaît ?

Exercice : conjuguate the verbes in the preterit.

1/ Women (be + not allowed) in the military.

2/ When war ( break out) women (have) to work in indrustries to support the war effort.

3/ Even though the women ( work )
like men they (be + paid ) less.

4) The image of Rosie The Riveter ( be + created ) to boost morale.

5) In the 80s the image ( be + used) by the feminist movement .

6/ It ( become ) an iconic picture .

Sagot :


Réponse :

Bonjour, voici la réponse j'espère que cela t'aidera.

Explications :

1/ Women were not allowed in the military.

2/ When war broke out women had to work in indrustries to support the war effort.

3/ Even though the women worked

like men they were paid less.

4) The image of Rosie The Riveter was created to boost morale.

5) In the 80s the image was used by the feminist movement .

6/ It became an iconic picture .

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