
Bienvenue sur, votre plateforme de référence pour toutes vos questions! Trouvez des solutions rapides et fiables à vos problèmes avec l'aide de notre communauté d'experts bien informés.

Bonjour pouvez-vous m’aider svp
Mettez le verbe entre crochets soit au present perfect, soit au prétérit.
Choisissez le bon temps en fonction du contexte.
Attention à respecter la conjugaison du verbe en fonction du sujet.

21. She has a bruise on her face because somebody ………………………. her. [to hit]
22. Look at this mess! What ………………………. you ……………………….? [to do]
23. Once upon a time, a princess ………………………. to marry a frog. [to decide]
24. What is the first thing he ………………………. when he arrived? [to say]
25. What ………………………. you ………………………. last night? [to do]
26. Be quiet! Somebody ………………………. my name. [to call]
27. Where ………………………. you ………………………. when you were a child? [to live]
28. The Titanic ………………………. after it hit an iceberg. [to disappear]
29. I ………………………. you since I met you. [to love]
30. I ………………………. strange noises the first time I took your car. [to hear]
31. The fire ………………………. their house and now the family has nowhere to go! [to burn]
32. My friend doesn’t help me anymore. She ………………………. [to give up]
33. Michael Jackson ………………………. ten years ago. [to die]
34. I ………………………. in love with her as soon as I saw her. [to fall]
35. I was reading this novel when the phone ………………………. [to ring]
36. He ………………………. not ………………………. for us. We are very angry! [to wait]
37. It ………………………. a sunny morning even if it was winter. [to be]
38. He ………………………. to them for five hours. [to talk]
39. You can’t pass because you ………………………. the password. [to forget]
40. I ………………………. to phone this number for two days. [to try]

Sagot :



21. hit

22. what do you do

23. décided

24. said

25. do - did

26. called

27. did - lived

28. disappeared

29. loved

30. heard

31. burnt/burned

32. gave up

33. died

34. ate

35. rang

36. did - waited

37. was/were

38. talked

39. forgot

40. tried

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