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bonjour j'ai besoin d'aide pour cet exercice d'anglais je suis dessus depuis 10 minutes et je ne comprends pas
8 Transformez le groupe de mots souligné afin d'utiliser un génitif.
a. It's a cottage of a farm-labourer.
b. Someone has stolen the necklace of Diana.
c. James brought the cycle of the little boy from the
d. The mother of the husband paid a bail to avoid him
e. He must be the successor of Chief Krotoa.
f. The lips of Mrs Turner are painted red.
g. The sons of Charles are William and Harry.

merci d'avance​

Sagot :


Réponse :


a. It's a cottage of a farm-labourer.

It’s a farm-labourer’s cottage.

b. Someone has stolen the necklace of Diana.

Someone has stolen Diana’s neckless.

c. James brought the cycle of the little boy from the garden.

James brought the little boy’s cycle from the garden.

d. The mother of the husband paid a bail to avoid him prison.

The husband’s mother paid a bail to avoid him.

e. He must be the successor of Chief Krotoa.

He must be Chief Krotoa’s successor.

f. The lips of Mrs Turner are painted red.

Mrs Turner's lips are painted red.

g. The sons of Charles are William and Harry.

Charles’s sons are William and Harry.

Explications :

Le génitif ( = cas posséssif ) s'emploi pour des liens de possession ou de parenté.

On met le possesseur devant ce qu'il possède

Bill's book  ==> Le livre de Bill

's  marque la possession ( quand le possesseur est singulier. Ce qui est le cas pour toutes les phrases de ton exercice )


cas possessif :  the car of John = John's car

a. It's a cottage of a farm-labourer.

      It's a farm-labourer's cottage

b. Someone has stolen the necklace of Diana.

      Someone has stolen Diana's necklace

c. James brought the cycle of the little boy from the   garden.

         James brought  the little boy's cycle from the   garden.

d. The mother of the husband paid a bail to avoid him  prison.

   The husband's mother paid a bail to avoid him  prison.

e. He must be the successor of Chief Krotoa.

   He must be Chief Krotoa's successor.

f. The lips of Mrs Turner are painted red.

   Mrs Turner's lips are painted red.

g. The sons of Charles are William and Harry.

        Charles's sons are William and Harry.

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