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Bonjour, quelqu'un peut m'aider pour les exercices d'anglais. Merci à ceux qui me répondront​

Bonjour Quelquun Peut Maider Pour Les Exercices Danglais Merci À Ceux Qui Me Répondront class=

Sagot :

Pour le premier ex je crois que c’est:
Ana opened the window.
She walked home.
You worked in the garden.
You sung a song.
She sat on a chair.
You visited the castle.
Jenny locked the door.
She was happy.
Greg kicked the ball.
The car stopped at the corner.

Réponse :


1. Did Anna open the window?

2. Did she walk home?

3. Did you work in the garden?

4. Did you sing a song?

5. Did she sit on a chair?

6. Did you visit the castle?

7. Did Jenny lock the door?

8. Was she happy?

9. Did Greg kick the ball?

10. Did the car stop at the corner?

1- What did she push?

2- What did she carry?

3- Where did she wait?

4- Who did the policeman arrest?

5- Who ate fish?

6- When did she watch the match?

7- Why did she ask her friend?

8- Who opened the door?

Merci de votre participation active. Continuez à poser des questions et à partager vos réponses. Ensemble, nous pouvons créer une ressource de connaissances précieuse pour tous. Chaque réponse que vous cherchez se trouve sur Merci de votre visite et à très bientôt.