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je dois faire un texte d’environ 20 lignes dans lequel je dois raconter une de mes peurs : AVION
mots suivants à placer :
now, however, so, but, again, overcome my fear of them and therefore
(elle ramasse)
merci d’avance à celui ou celle qui m’aidera :)

Sagot :

Réponse :

bah t'es chanceux (se) ^^ je peux t'aider!

Explications :

Exemple de rédaction:

If the majority of people do not have problems about travelling in planes, this isn't really my case. I'm very afraid about the planes so I never liked to travel inside those big machines since my childhood. I have heard that these are the safest means of transportation. But I'm conviced about the contrary. Actually, the idea of ​​being the victim of a plane crash makes me sick. I watched sometimes a documentary on National Geographic channel called "Air Crash" whose treating about all the dangers that the planes' pilots might face once in air. These are so terrifying. And therefore, when my mother wanna travel with me, even if it is a great destination I refuse just because inside my brain i'm thinking about "death". However there are several people who use to travel in planes safety without facing any problem. My hope one day is to overcome my fear and to enjoy the travelling in air because I know, it's very nice.

  • Voilà!! (Après j'ai pas porté l'accent sur la rédaction d'une histoire mais j'ai plutôt essayer d'expliquer cette peur, la raconter tout court au lieu d'un évènement) ! x) Hope You'll enjoy it
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