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Bonjour pouvez vous m'aider en anglais pour l'exercice 4 et 7 SVP, je vous remercie pour vos réponses.​

Bonjour Pouvez Vous Maider En Anglais Pour Lexercice 4 Et 7 SVP Je Vous Remercie Pour Vos Réponses class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

Exercice 4 :

a) Pupils can't eat in the classrooms.

b) Pupils can't shout in class but they can shoot in the playground.

c) I cannot eat chewing-gum at school.

d) British pupils can, finish school early.

e) Teachers can't smoke inside the school.

Exercice 7 :

a) In British school, pupils must wear a uniform.

b) They mustn't wear any jewellery.

c) At school, pupils must respect the rules.

d) Girls mustn't wear short skirts and the school badge must be visible.

e) Pupils mustn't wear boots or canvas shoes, they must wear formal shoes.