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II Présent simple OU présent en BE-ing?
→ Si les phrases contiennent un adverbe de fréquence, utilise le présent simple.
1) Tom's father
(be) rarely scared when he finds a body.
2) Today, he ..(travel) to Chicago to arrest gangsters.
3) Don't open the door! I
I ...........(get dressed).
4) He never(sleep) in his office.
5) You are in the bathroom you .....(brush) your teeth?
6) The officer often... (carry) a gun.
7) Tom's mother sometimes
(cook) breakfast when she has time.
8) Today, he .....(take) the underground to go to work.
9) He never ..(talk) about her missions.
10)he.... (come) tonight?
11) His colleague sometimes.... (have a drink) at the cafeteria.
12)........ they (carry) a gun today?​

Sagot :



Présent simple ou présent BE +  v-ing

tu as déjà la réponse =

on utilise le présent simple pour des actions habituelles (adverbes de fréquence)

on utilise le présent progressif pour des actions en train de se passer

Je vais essayer de souligner ce qui me fait choisir entre les 2

1- Tom's father is rarely scared when he finds a body.

2- Today, he is travelling to Chicago to arrest gangsters.

3- Don't open the door ! I am getting dressed.

4- He never sleeps in his office.

5- You are in the bathroom, are you brushing your teeth ?

6- The officer often carries a gun.

7- Tom's mother sometimes cooks breakfast when she has time.

8- Today, he is taking the undergound to go to work.

9- He never talks avout her missions.

10- Is he coming tonight ?

11- His colleagues sometimes have a drink at the cafeteria.

12- Are they carrying a gun today ?

bonne journée☺☺☺

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