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bonsoir vous pouvez maider svp

-complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in brackets
6.Mr jones is a teacher he ......................history (teach)
7.oue lessons ......................at 9.30and .....................at 3.30(start/finish)
8.my pen friend ........................in japon(live)
9.mary and her brother .........................cartooons every sunday morning(watch)
10.john......................his room every day

Sagot :

6. he teaches...
7. start, finish
8. lives
9. watch
10. c quel verbe?

Réponse :


6.Mr jones is a teacher he teaches history (teach)

7.our lessons start at 9.30and finish at 3.30(start/finish)

8.my pen friend lives .in japon(live)

9.mary and her brother watch cartoons every sunday morning(watch)

10.john tidies his room every day

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