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Hi can you please help me to correct this writing.
Write a paragraph about means of learning that you think is very important.

I think the internet is very important of learning. Firstly,the internet is effective way of learning,it's not only a mean for spending time but also a mean for getting information fast.Besides,the internet helps students in their studies in order to solve difficult questions. Secondly,the internet facilities learning so that we can learn and enjoy in the same time. MOREOVER,we can take online classes to empower our knowlodges and benefit from other's experiences. Finally,the internet makes the world a small countryside,we can resort to it for researching about jobs,communicating with each others and dowloand books,novels....To sum up,the internet is extremely useful for improving our talents and our skills which we should use it wisely and cautiously.

Sagot :

Réponse :

I think the internet is very important of learning. Firstly, the internet is effective way of learning, it's not only a mean for spending time but also a mean for getting information fast. Besides, the internet helps students in their studies to solve difficult questions. Secondly, the internet facilities learning so that we can learn and enjoy in the same time. MOREOVER, we can take online classes to empower our knowledge and benefit from other's experiences. Finally, the internet makes the world a small countryside, we can resort to it for researching about jobs, communicating with each others and download books, novels....To sum up, the internet is extremely useful for improving our talents and our skills which we should use it wisely and cautiously.

Explications :

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