Zoofast.fr vous connecte avec des experts prêts à répondre à vos questions. Notre plateforme de questions-réponses offre des réponses fiables et complètes pour vous aider à prendre des décisions éclairées rapidement et facilement.

Réécris ce texte en plaçant correctement les adverbes,
My neighbour is friendly but not very respectful: he cuts the
grass in the middle of the night! (sometimes)
His wife is a bit nosy: she is at home (never) because she wants
to find out secrets about her neighbours, Galways)
Their ten children are very noisy: they play the piano and sing in
the evening, loften)


Sagot :

Coucou, voilà ce que j’ai fais ! :)

My neighbour is friendly but not very respectful :
He sometimes cuts the grass in the middle of the night !
His wife is a bit nosy : she is never at home because she always wants to find out secrets about her neighbours.
Their ten children are very noisy : they often play the piano and sing in the evening.

Bonne soirée !
Coucou si ça peut t’aider

My neighbour is friendly but not very respectful sometimes he cuts the grass in the middle of the night!
His wife is a bit nosy: she is never at home because she always wants to find out secrets about her neighbours
Their ten children are very noisy: often they play the piano and sing in the evening
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