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The USA: a land of immigration?
Read the following text :
About 25 million people, mostly Europeans, arrived
in the USA during the 19th century and until the First
World War. Many didn't want to stay in Europe
because they suffered persecution and other
hardships there and so they decided to try their luck
in the New World.
The first thing immigrants saw as their boat arrived in New
York Harbour was the Statue of Liberty which welcomed
and guided them to their new home. These foreigners went
first to Ellis Island to register. It was a frightening and
sometimes desperate experience for them.
Life in America wasn't always easy but very few
immigrants returned to their homelands. They brought their traditions and customs
with them to this new country and they became part of the rich tapestry of the USA.
1. The text is in which tense?...........
2. What is the use of this tense? Give a definition in French:

Sagot :


1) The text is written in past tense.

2) This tense (past tense = passé simple in French) is used to tell stories, describe action.

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