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bonjour à tous, je dois trouver des arguments pour convaincre mes parents de me laisser aller à un concert à Paris et c'est ma meilleure amie qui conduit. il faut que j'imagine un dialogue qui pourrait éventuellement avoir lieu, une sorte de négociation.
J'ai pas d'inspiration car je n'ai jamais de discussion avec mon père et j'ai pas de mère... Merci beaucoup si vous pouviez m'aider ​

Sagot :



me: mum, this is a concert happening in Brussels. You can trust me and that I am responsible.

Every time I go out, you often tell me to come home at such and such a time and I come back at the time you indicate and if I have to tidy up my room, I obey you immediately.

and when I take my pocket money, I buy useful things.

mom: I'm afraid for you, I'm afraid that you will run into a malicious person and with whom are you going?

me: don't worry, nothing has happened to me until now. and it’s not now that I’m going to run into an unhealthy person.

i will be leaving with my best friend on whom i rely a lot and i would like to approach shym artist who i really like and her words have an impact and a comforting power when i feel lonely

mom: ok no problem

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