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Bjr aidez moi svp

imagine that you are the leader of an association which wants to protect nature, the environnent. You write document to explain why what you are doing is important, what you intend to do, the methods you want to use. You can give a name to your association (100 word minumum) merci de m'aider​

Sagot :



I'm the leader of an association of protection of the planet and the environment, the name of my association is "Our Planet". With the member of my association, we protect the environment because, if the Human keep to polute the Earth, our Planet will finish being destroyed. We go to protest march and we encourage businesses to less polluted.


Je t'ai fait le début de ton devoirs si ça peut t'aider, comme ça tu peux reprendre quelques phrases, voire le texte en entier si tu veux. Cependant, il ne fait que 60 mots,il faut donc que tu rajoute du contenue.