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Complete the sentences using have/has/had to + the verbs in the list. Some sentences are negative
I don't have to ...etc.):

ask decide drive go make make pay stand

3 Excuse me a moment - I ...... a phone call. I won't be long
4 You can let me know later what you want to do. You ........ now.
5 I couldn't find the street I wanted. I ...... somebody for directions
6 This car park is free. You ..........
7 A man was slightly injured in the accident, but he ...... to hospital
8 Jane has a senior position in the company. She ...... important decisions.
9 The train was very full and there were no seats free. We .......all the way.
10 When Patrick starts his new job next month, he ..... 50 miles to work every day.

Sagot :


3 Excuse me a moment - I HAVE TO MAKE a phone call. I won't be long

4 You can let me know later what you want to do. you HAVE TO GO now.

5 I couldn't find the street I wanted. I HAVE TO ASK somebody for directions

6 This car park is free. You don't have to pay

7 A man was slightly injured in the accident, but he HAS GONE to hospital

8 Jane has a senior position in the company. She HAS TO MAKE important decisions.

9 The train was very full and there were no seats free. We HAVE TO STAND all the way.

10 When Patrick starts his new job next month, he HAS TO DRIVE 50 miles to work every day.