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3° Complete the sentences with the following phrases.
do the right thing – reconsider – think long and hard – be open about – cheated – make up
your mind – now and again – now that
1.He practices karate …………..
2.You have to ……………………. before making an important decision.
3.It’s sometimes so hard to …………………..
4.I know that you …………. because I have the same cards as you.
5.She has to ………………. that sort of situation.
6.Can you please ……………..? We’ve been waiting long enough.
7.You need to …………….. and choose another option.
8.I can buy a car …………… I have my driver’s license

Sagot :

Réponse :

1.He practices karate now and again

2.You have to …think long and hard before making an important decision.

3.It’s sometimes so hard to make up

4.I know that you cheated because I have the same cards as you.

5.She has to be open about  that sort of situation.

6.Can you please do the right thing ? We’ve been waiting long enough.

7.You need to reconsider  and choose another option.

8.I can buy a car now that I have my driver’s license

Explications :

j'ai un doute pour la 6 et 7...pour ce qui est du reste cela me parrait bon !

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