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Identify the finite and non-finite verbs in the following sentences.

1. I like to play with my puppy.

2. She works hard to pass the test.

3. Smoking is prohibited in the kitchen.

4. He went to the city to find work.

5. The boy saved the cat from the dogs.

6. The teacher asked the students to submit their assignments before they go home.

7. I have finished my dinner.

8. The nurse is dressing the wounds of the patient.

9. My mother bakes tasty cookies.

10. He wants to launch a business.

11. A florist is a person who arranges flowers artistically.

12. The doctor is attending to the patient.

Sagot :

Réponse :

1) non-finite

2) finite

3) non-finite

4) finite

5) finite


7) finite


Explications :

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