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Bonjour, j’ai besoin d’aide pour mes exercices d’anglais svp

1. Someone who pays attention to other : He is....
2. Someone who is careful and prudent : He is....
3. Someone who talk a lot : He is....
4. Someone who is dure about his own abilities or ideas : He is....
5. Someone who doesn’t take risks : He is....
6. Someone who can adapte easily : He is....
7. Someone who work a lot : He is....
8. Someone who is determined to do or get what they want : He is....
9. Someone who never tell lies and people trust, someone fair : He is....
10. Someone who find people or situation to slow : He is....
11. Someone who doesn’t behave as an adult and is not very conscientious : He is...
12. Someone who is dirty, disordered : He is....
13. Someone who unkind or unpleasant with other : He is....
14. Someone who doesn’t swear, use only good word and show respect : He is....
15. Someone who show high self respect and self-esteem, high opinion if themself : He is....
16. Someone who is not confortable with other : He is....
17. Someone who does unpleasant things behind the backs of other peoples : He is....
18. Someone who tries to know and understand people rather than judge them : He is....

Il faut utiliser les adjectifs :

Impatient / Cautious / Shy
Sneaky / Confident / Chatty / Irresponsible / Proud / Hard Working / Honest / Fearful / Nasty / Messy / Polite / Caring / Tolerant / Headstrong / Flexible

Merci d’avance :)

Sagot :

1. caring
2. cautious
3. chatty
4. proud
5. fearful
6. flexible
7. hard working
8. headstrong
9. honest
10. impatient
11. irresponsable
12. messy
13. nasty
14. polite
15. confident
16. shy
17. sneaky
18. tolerant
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