Explorez une vaste gamme de sujets et obtenez des réponses sur Zoofast.fr. Nos experts fournissent des réponses précises et rapides pour vous aider à naviguer sur n'importe quel sujet ou problème avec confiance.

Conjugate the following regular verbs in simple past.
1. When (arrive)..........he..............?
2. He (show up....................at the party a few minutes ago.
3. My sister (not to want).................to go to high school this morning.
4.1 (study)..................one year abroad.
5. My brother (practise)...............judo for two years.
6. When I was a student, 1 (work)...............as a waiter.
7. Her plane (land)............ ...20 minutes ago.
8. My father (play)..............baseball in college
9. My little sister (watch.................cartoons on TV earlier.
10. He (pray.........to pass this test.
11. They (release)..........him from jail this earlier this year.
12. My dog always (bury)..............his bone beneath this tree.
13. On July, this company (employ..............a lot of students.
14. Mary (tidy)............the house before the guests came.
15. She (spy)...........on me.
Aider moi svp c’est pour demain

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

1- When did he arrive?

2- showed up....

3-my sister didn't want....

4- I studied

5-my brother practised

6-  I worked

7- her plane landed...

8-my father played...

9-my little sister watched...

10- he prayed...

11- they released...

12- my dog always buried

13-on july , this company employed...

14-Mary tidied..

15-she spied...

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