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•Complete the sentences with there is/ there isn't/ there are / there aren't•

1 ... two pillows on the bed

2 ... one window in the room.

3 ... three balls on the floor.

4 ... much furniture in the room.

5 ... a chair in the room.

6 ...any children in the picture.

7 ... any TV in the room.

Complete The Sentences With There Is There Isnt There Are There Arent1 Two Pillows On The Bed2 One Window In The Room3 Three Balls On The Floor4 Much Furniture class=

Sagot :

1.There are two pillows on the bed

2.there is one window in the room.

3.There aren’t three balls on the floor.

4.There is much furniture in the room.(je suis pas trop sure de celle-ci)

5.There isn’t a chair in the room.

6.There aren’t any children in the picture.

7.There isn’t any Tv in the room.
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