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Bonjour, je n'arrives pas à transformer ces phrases à la voix passive
4. Nobody noticed his mistake.
5. The students understood the English lesson.
6. The police arrested two thieves.
7. He sent her a letter.
8. They solved the problem in class.
9. John borrowed a book for his friend.
10. The postman delivers the package.​

Sagot :


Réponse :



Sujet + BE ( au temps de la voix active ) + PARTICIPE PASSÉ + complément d'agent introduit par "by"

4. Nobody noticed his mistake.

==>  phrase au prétérit ==> BE => was

His mistake was noticed by nobody.

5. The students understood the English lesson.

==> phrase au prétérit ==> BE =>  was

The English lesson was understood by the students.

6. The police arrested two thieves.

==> phrase au prétérit ==> BE => were

Two thieves were arrested by the police.

7. He sent her a letter.

==> phrase au prétérit ==> BE =>  was

A letter was sent by him.

Ici tu remarques que "He" de ma voix active est devenu "him" au passif

-> Il a envoyé une lettre ==> Une lettre a été envoyée par lui

( même transformation qu'en français )

8. They solved the problem in class.

==> phrase au prétérit ==> BE =>  was

The problem was solved in class by them.

( "They" --> "them"  

-> Ils ont résolu le problème en classe ==> Le problème a été résolu en classe par eux )

9. John borrowed a book for his friend.

==> phrase au prétérit ==> BE =>  was

A book was borrowed by John for his friend.

10. The postman delivers the package.​

==> phrase au présent simple ==> BE => is

The package is delivered by the postman.

Explications :

Repérer le temps de départ ... et appliquer la règle.

exemples :

- The postman delivers the package.​ ( présent )

--> The package is delivered by the postman.

- The pastman delivered the package. ( préterit )

--> The package was delivered by the postman.

- The postman is delivering the package. ( présent be + ing)

--> The package is being delivered by the postman.

- The postman will deliver the package . ( futur )

--> The package will be delivered by the postman

- The postman has delivered the package ( présent perfect )

--> The package has been delivered by the postman.

- The postman was delivering the package. ( prétérit be + ing )

--> The package was being delivered by the postman


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