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Bonjour vous m’aidez à faire ces 3 exercices svp merci d’avance bonne journée :). 2/Choisissez parmi les verbes suivants celui qui convient, et conjuguez-le au présent
simple : to love - to close - to cost - to wash -to tidy - to open - to have
a. John ... his hair twice a week.
b. Shops ... at 9 a.m. and ... at 6 p.m.
c. We usually ...... dinner at 7. d. Jenny ... speaking foreign languages.
e. Fashionable clothes .... a lot.
f. Nelly... her room on Saturday mornings.
3/Mettez les verbes au présent simple ou au présent continu, à la forme qui convient.
a. My mother..........
(to work) in an office in Paris.
b. This famous musician.......
(to play) at the Opera tonight.
с. Не...........
(to like / not) getting up early at the weekend.
d. Excuse me, but you........
(to sit) in my place.
e. At the moment she.........
(to study / not) in London but in
New York
f. What..........
(you / to like) doing at home when it.........
(to rain)?
g. Why.........
(he / to laugh)? Because the teacher............
(to look) funny today.
h. We...........
(to go / not often) on holiday.
i. Don't disturb him! He.......
(to have) a French lesson.
4/ Mettez les phrases suivantes à la forme affirmative (A),
négative (N), interrogative (i) ,selon le cas.
a. They know. (N)
b. She doesn't want to come. (A)
I speak five languages. And you? (i) d. They're sleeping. And John? (i)
e. She works very hard. (N)
We usually play tennis. And Peter? (i)
She doesn't mind working on Saturdays. And you? (i)

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

Exercice 2

a. John cost his hair twice a week.

b. Shops open at 9 a.m. and close at 6 p.m.

c. We usually have dinner at 7. d. Jenny loves speaking foreign languages.

e. Fashionable clothes wash a lot.

f. Nelly tidies her room on Saturday mornings.

Exercice 3

a. My mother works in an office in Paris.

b. This famous musician plays at the Opera tonight.

с. Не not likes getting up early at the weekend.

d. Excuse me, but you sit in my place.

e. At the moment she not studies in London but in  New York

f. What do tou like doing at home when it rains?

g. Why is he laugh? Because the teacher looks funny today.

h. We go to often on holiday.

i. Don't disturb him! He had a French lesson.

Exercice 4

a. They did'nt know.

b. She does want to come.

c) How many languages de you speak?

d. Jonh isn't sleepy?

e. She not works very hard.

Peter is play usually play tennis?

She does mind working on Saturday?