Zoofast.fr: où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Notre communauté est là pour fournir les réponses complètes et précises dont vous avez besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées.

Bonjour est ce que quelqu’un pourrai m’aidez svp
Merci d’avance bonne journée

Utilisez les auxiliaires be et do à la forme qui convient. affirmative, négative ou
a. Excuse me, sir,
............ you speak French?
b. I ............want to go out. It
c. How often.........
they come and see you?
d. I can't answer the phone. I
.............. studying.
e. Mike is a good pianist but he...........
often practise.
The train ..........
leaving at eight tomorrow but at seven.
g. Turn off the radio. I ...........
listening to it.
h. ........... you mind going to school on Saturdays?

Sagot :

A. Excuse me, sir, Do you speak French?
B. I don’t want to go out. It snowing.
C. How often have they come and see you?
D. I can’t answer the phone. I don’t studying.
E. Mike is a good pianist but he doesn’t often practise.
F. The train are leaving at eight tomorrow but at seven.
G. Turn off the radio. I don’t listening to it.
H. Do you mind going to school on Saturdays ?
a) do
B) don’t
C) do
D) i am
E) doesn’t
F) is
H) do