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Conjugue ces phrases au présent simple
ou en be + BV-ing.
a. She ... (go) on holiday tomorrow.
b. l... (like) eating chocolate.
c. What ... she... (do)? ... she ... (cook)?
d. We ... (go) to the cinema this afternoon.
e. What ... you ... (want) to do tonight?​

Sagot :


Conjugue ces phrases au présent simple

ou en be + BV-ing.

a. She is going (go) on holiday tomorrow.

b. l like (like) eating chocolate.

c. What is she doing (do)? Is she cooking (cook)?

d. We are going (go) to the cinema this afternoon.

e. What do you want (want) to do tonight?

Réponse :

a) sheis going on holiday tomorrow.

b) i like eating chocolate.

c) whate is she doing?is she cooking?

d) we are going to the cinema this afternoon.

e) what do you want to do tonight?

voilà j'espère t'avoir aider!   :)