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Workshop P.32
Remets ces mots dans l'ordre pour former
des phrases en mettant l'adjectif au comparatif de
a. France / than/Russia /is/big/.
b. are / winter sports/than /relaxing/Summer
c. Does/taste / than/good/maple syrup /honey/?
(2 possibilités)
d. than /impressive / looks / the London Eye / Big
Ben - (2 possibilités)
e. Your English mark / bad/than/is / your history​

Workshop P32Remets Ces Mots Dans Lordre Pour Formerdes Phrases En Mettant Ladjectif Au Comparatif Desupérioritéa France ThanRussia Isbigb Are Winter Sportsthan class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

a. Russia is bigger than France.

b. Summer activities are more relaxing than winter sports.

c.  Does maple syrup taste better than honey ? / Does honey taste better than maple syrup ?

d. The London Eye looks more impressive than Big Ben. / Big Ben looks more impressive than the London Eye.

e. Your english mark is worse than your history mark. / Your history mark is worse than your english mark.

A. France is bigger than Russia.

B. Summer activities are more relaxing than winter sports.

C. Does the maple syrup taste better than the honey ? (Tu peux inverser Maple syrup et honey)

D. Big Ben looks more impressive than the London Eye (tu peux inverser Big Ben et London eye)

E. Your English mark is worse than your history mark

De rien :)

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