
Obtenez des solutions complètes à vos questions avec Nos experts sont prêts à fournir des réponses rapides et détaillées à toutes les questions que vous pourriez avoir.

Bonjours j’aurais besoin d’aide vous devez complète avec le verbe indiquer

- Yesterday evening there ... my favourite series on
television. You ... not ... it, ... you? (BE - WATCH – DO)

- Yes, I....! 1... it when my parents arrived. (DO -

- And what ... they ...? ... they upset? (SAY – BE)

– No, actually they ... quite happy because it ... in
English! (BE - BE)

Sagot :

Réponse :

bonjour pas de soucis

Explications :

- Yesterday evening there were my favourite series on television. You didn't watch it, do you?

- Yes, I do! I watched it when my parents arrived.

- And what did they sayed? Were they upset?

- No actually they wre quite happy because it was in English



1:There were/You didn't watch it,do you?

2:I do/I watched

3:did they say/Are
