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bonjour pouvez vous m'aider pour mes exercices en anglais svp merci
Put the words in the right order :
She / she / is / be / school / must / ill / not / at
Think / Paris / she / well / be / in / may / I
An / said / her / might / for / have / she / she / work experience / interview
Be / ! / today / it’s / it / can’t / Saturday

Reformulate those sentences using a modal:
I am not convinced that Mary is very popular.
I don’t think she is lonely.
Perhaps her sister, Sandy, is jealous.
I suppose it’s difficult for her.
I think Ben is Maria’s cousin, but I’m not sure.

Sagot :

Réponse :

She must not be at school she is ill.

I think she will be in Paris in May.

She said she might have an interview for work experience.

It's Saturday today it can't be!

I am not convinced that Mary will be very popular.

I don't think she might be lonely.

Perhaps her sister, Sandy, could be jealous.

I suppose it must be difficult for her.

I think Ben might be Maria's cousin, but I'm not sure.

Explications :

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