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Bonjour, j’ai besoin d’aide svp :)

-James écrit un mail à son correspondant pour lui parler de sa famille, aide le à placer les adverbes

My parents ask us to do the housework (often). We are not happy
My family
about it (usually). But we do it (always). My brother and I are
fearless. We are scared (never) and we face our fears (always).
My younger sister is an athlete. She practises baseball in the
afternoon (usually). I go there to encourage her (sometimes). My
dad says it's important to have big dreams (always)!

Merci de l’aide

Sagot :

Réponse :

Explications :

My parents often ask us to do the housework. We are not happy

My family

about it (usually). But we always do it. My brother and I are

fearless. We are never scared and we always face our fears.

My younger sister is an athlete. She usually practises baseball in the

afternoon. I go sometimes there to encourage her. My

dad says it's always important to have big dreams !