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Quelqu'un pourrais me corriger celà.

I'm going to go to australia for my gap year. australia is a very touristy country where a lot of people do their gap year there. i want to do woofing, so working on a farm for accommodation. it won't be easy but it will be a challenge for me and it will allow me to get to know myself better and know my limits. I could improve my English by speaking with local people and make new friends from all over the world. I could also discover new culture and landscape thanks to the many tourist places but also discover new animal species. this sabbatical year will be linguistic but touristic. I think I will have a good year in Australia because I am serious and hard-working but also very invested in my projects.​

Sagot :

I'm going to go to Australia for my gap year. Australia is a very touristy country where a lot of people do their gap year there. I want to do woofing, so working on a farm for accommodation. It won't be easy, but it will be a challenge for me and it will allow me to get to know myself better and know my limits. I could improve my English by speaking with local people and make new friends from all over the world. I could also discover new cultures.
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