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Then repeat his message.
Robbie is trying to write a wish list for his new year at the Space Station
but he is making lots of mistakes. Help him put the words in the right order.
(Be careful, there is an odd word in each line!)
a bigger - I - to - room - like - would - a
b like - girlfriend - I-to-have-a-be-would
c - 10 - like - to - I - o'clock - would - cat - up-get-at- every
d. swimming pool - days - my - your - like to - I - would spend at the
e. would - have - massages - I - like - to - eat
Pouvez vous m'aider Svpp ? Mercii​

Sagot :


a- i would like a bigger room

b- i would like to have a girlfriend

c- i would like to get up at 10 o'clock everyday

d- i would like to spend my days at the swimming pool

e- i would like to have massages

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