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bonjour je dois decrire cette photo en anglais en 100 mots mais je sais quoi dire qui peux maider svp​

Bonjour Je Dois Decrire Cette Photo En Anglais En 100 Mots Mais Je Sais Quoi Dire Qui Peux Maider Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

In the center of the picture, we can see a pants which is pulled by two horses at the right and at the left.

We have the impression that they are mistreated by the two man because they hold a whip. Even if the two horses pulled on both sides of the pants, the pants isn't teared. It shows us that the pants is a very good quality pants.

Moreover, this picture might be dated in the 1900s because of man's clothes. Indeed, they are wearing  a hat and overalls.

Thanks to the tittles we guess that the picture deals with a famous brand of denim pants in 1873, which called, nowadays "Levi's".

To finish, this picture is today a representation of the brand which since 1873, remains as well known.

Explications :

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