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Bonjour Svp Aider Moi Avec Cet Exercice class=

Sagot :



I Used the correct tense

a- How long has he been dating Eleanor ?

b- Has Karim ever gone to the National Gallery ?

c- Eleanor was waiting for the bus when he saw her.

d- Did you learn French when you were young ?

e- If I were Karim, I would try to make up for .... (I were => preterit modal)

f- Next year, when he makes enough money, Karim will go to the Louvre.

g- Does Karim know Picasso's paintings ?


II Fill the blank using the or Ø

a- The Prime Minister stated that Ø students...

b- Ø Teachers have to deal with Ø love and sometimes Ø hate.However They  love ................

c- I don't like Ø French. They are snobbish but Ø President Hollande ......


III Find the question....

a-- How often does he see Eleanor ?

b- Who does Karim go with to the cinema ?


IV Relative pronouns

a- Karim, who never studied anything ...

b- Karim, whose behaviour ............

c- The attitude which some kids have at school show that ....


bonne journée ☺☺☺