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Bonjour voici mon devoirs, pouvez vous m'aider ? Merci Erreurs évitables Il y a 1 erreur évitable dans chaque phrase, repérez-là et corrigez-là. 1. My little brother cry whenever he is frustated 2. I have a lot of differents ideas but i don’t know where to start 3. Come on Petter, you should know, everybody know that ! 4. The doctors tried desperatly to save her life. 5. This is the university of Oxford who is the oldest in England 6. Sorry, I couldn't came to your party last night, I was sick 7. I failed because I did too much mistakes 8. My cousin took a year off last year travel in the USA and the Mexico

Sagot :


Salut salut,


1) my little brother cry whenever is frustated. 2)i have a lot of différents ideasi don't know where to start.

3) come on petter you should know everybody know.

4)the doctors desperatly to save her life.

5)this os the university of Oxford Who is oldest in England.

6)sorry i couldn't came to party Last night i was sick.

7) i failed because i did much mistakes.

8) my cousin took a year Last year travel in the USA and the Mexico.

J'espère que ça t'a aider comme c'était demander j'ai enlever certains mots qui était de plus.:)

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