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Aidez moi s’il vous plaît

Aidez Moi Sil Vous Plaît class=

Sagot :



2-a- I'm  measuring the area of the kitchen.

  b- The garden measures 12 by 20 metres.

3-a- I doubt whether I'll get another chance to retake this exam..

  b- ..... but I doubt it.

4-a- The new science museum currently attracts 10,000 visitors a month.

  b- Flowers are attracting bees with their brightly coloured petals.

5-a- .... because he doesn't like heights.

  b-  ....  Well at the moment, I don't like it at all.

6-a- .... They are fitting new brakes.

   b- ..... but it doesn't fit her ....

7-a- ....It feels like silk.

   b-.... I am not feeling very well.

8-a- The roof of the house consists of only plastic sheet ...

   b- Their school uniform are consisting of black trousers and a ....

9-a .....It sounds quite good ...

  b- --- It sounds like a bird stuck in the chimney.

10-a .....It sounds like she is having  a real good time.

   b- My sister has long blond hair. ...


bonne journée ☺☺☺

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