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Bonjour , Aider moi et merci bcp

Bonjour Aider Moi Et Merci Bcp class=

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Avec les phrases du tableau, on peut faire ces phrases :

The Cotton Club had 700 seats.

The first owner of the Cotton Club was Jack Johnson, an African American boxing champion.

Owney Madden bought the club in 1923

The Cotton Club opened in 1920 in Harlem, New York.

Rich and white people came to the Cotton Club.

Customers drank alcohol drinks.

Customers ate Chinese and American food.

Jazz musicians such as Duke Ellington and Cab Calloway played music in the club.

Singers and dancers performed in the club

Les phrases trouvées permettent de compléter le paragraphe :

The Cotton Club opened in 1920 in Harlem. The first owner of the Cotton Club was Jack Johnson, an African-American boxing champion.Owney Madden bought the club in 1923. The Cotton Club had 700 seats. Rich and white people came to the Cotton Club. Customers drank alcohol and ate Chinese and American food. Jazz musicians as Duke Ellington and Cab Calloway played music in the club. Singers and dancers also performed in the club.

; )     The Roaring 1920s !

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