Answered où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Notre communauté est prête à fournir des réponses approfondies et des solutions pratiques à toutes vos questions.

Ex.1 Put the verbs into the correct tense : present perfect or simple past. 1) I …………………………………………………… him five times. (already-ask) 2) When we …………………………………………………… young, we …………………………………………………… in Cambridge. (be, live) 3) He’s very patient. He …………………………………………………… for nearly an hour. (wait) 4) I …………………………………………………… them for the first time in 2006. (meet) 5) She …………………………………………………… her A’Levels a long time ago. (pass) 6) Barbara …………………………………………………… the champion since 2016. (be) 7) They …………………………………………………… his laboratory. (just-visit) 8) Carol can help you : she …………………………………………………… mathematics at university. (learn) 9) Patricia …………………………………………………… ice-skating in 2012. So she …………………………………………………… ice-skating for eight years. (begin, practise) 10) You …………………………………………………… my lectures last month. (not attend) 11) They are the most delicious scones we …………………………………………………… . (ever-eat) 12) Yesterday, my parents …………………………………………………… to London. (drive) 13) Peter is very happy and proud because he …………………………………………………… a medal. (win) 14) Sam and Gary …………………………………………………… this game yet. Let’s play it ! (not try) 15) ………………………… you ever ………………………… to the United States ? (be) 16) Last year, Jane …………………………………………………… a fascinating article about bullying. (write) 17) Matthew …………………………………………………… his mother for her birthday. (just-call) 18) George Washington …………………………………………………… in 1799. (die) svp aider moi

Sagot :

Réponse :

Bonjour j'espère que j'ai pu t'aider même si j'ai répondu avec un certain retard. Bon courage !

1) I already asked him five times. When we were young, we lived in Cambridge.

3) He’s very patient. He waited for nearly an hour.

4) I met them for the first time in 2006.

5) She passed her A’Levels a long time ago.

6) Barbara is the champion since 2016.

7) They just visited his laboratory.

8) Carol can help you : she learned mathematics at university.

9) Patricia begun ice-skating in 2012. So she  is practicing ice-skating for eight years.

10) You didn't attended my lectures last month.

11) They are the most delicious scones we have ever eat

12) Yesterday, my parents drove to London.

13) Peter is very happy and proud because he won a medal.

14) Sam and Gary didn't tried this game yet. Let’s play it !

15) Have you ever been to the United States ?

16) Last year, Jane wrote a fascinating article about bullying.

17) Matthew just called his mother for her birthday.

18) George Washington died in 1799.

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