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Complete the seven questions asked to the “gamers” when they enter the clinic: (Complète les sept questions posées aux "gamers" lorsqu'ils entrent dans la Clinique) 1- When … ……………….. you start having problems? 2- …………………..hours a day ………………….. you play? 3- …………………..n’t you miss your friends ………………….. you …………………..see them? 4- What is …………………..important thing for you: hang………………….. out with your friends or …………………..video games? 5- …………………..you think you …………………..a normal life? 6- …………………..you …………………..yourself as an …………………..

Bonjour Est-ce que quelqu'un pouvez m'aider SVP c'est un exercice d'anglais
Merci d'avance​

Sagot :


when did you..

how many hours.. did you...

don't you.. et ?

what is the most ..


or play video..

do you.. have a ..

do you like yourself as a gamer addict


Complete the seven questions asked to the “gamers” when they enter the clinic:

1- When did you start having problems?

2- How many hours a day do you play?

3- Don’t you miss your friends do you ever see them?

4- What is the most important thing for you: hanging out with your friends or playing video games?

5- Do you think you have a normal life?

6- Do you see yourself as an addict to video games?