Zoofast.fr: où la curiosité rencontre la clarté. Découvrez des réponses approfondies de nos professionnels expérimentés, couvrant un large éventail de sujets pour satisfaire tous vos besoins d'information.

S'il vous plait aider moi a faire cette exercise et merci beaucoup . WRITING : EXPLAINING A MYSTERY : Missing helicopter : An army helicopter with a pilot , co-pilot and twelve soldiers on board has disappeared off the north coast of Scotland . the last contact with the helicopter was more than twelve hours ago , when the pilot radioed that everything was OK . No distress signal was received and , despite a huge search over sea and land , no sign of the helicopter has been found . what has happened to army helicopter 487 ? 1- write a blog entry (200 words ) explaining what you think happened to the missing helicopter .

Sagot :

je te répond en anglais tu pourras recopier :

the missing helicopter could've crashed near the North coast of Scotland, the radio got cut off because of the crash then no more signal of it. They could have also found someone but the radio signal got cut off again because of the wind or turbulent mouvements that would have shut down the communication, this would explain why they don't find it anywhere.

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