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bonjour aidez moi svp assez vite Present perfect ou pretérit ? Écris la bonne conjugaison.
a) The first Climate Conference …………………….. (take) place in Geneva in
February 1979.
b) My family and I …………………………… (live) in Nay for decades.
e) I ……………………………. (never / throw) my rubbish into nature but I
………………………….. (already / waste) some food.
j) Greta Thunberg, a young climate activist ……………………….. (make) a powerful
speech in front of the leaders of the UNO : she …………………………….. (deliver) it
on 23rd September 2019.

Sagot :

Réponse :

a) The first Climate Conference ……takes……………….. (take) place in Geneva in

February 1979.

b) My family and I ………lived…………………… (live) in Nay for decades.

e) I ……never thrown………………………. (never / throw) my rubbish into nature but I already wasted…….. (already / waste) some food.

j) Greta Thunberg, a young climate activist ……made………………….. (make) a powerful

speech in front of the leaders of the UNO : she ……delivered……………………….. (deliver) it

on 23rd September 2019.

Explications :

pay attention to the use of past tense