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Aidez moi pour ces exercices svp

Aidez Moi Pour Ces Exercices Svp class=

Sagot :

Réponse :

1.a) As soon as he comes out of the labyrinth, we'll kill him.

b)If we see the rescue party, we'll fight them.

c)As soon as he runs out of oxygen, he'll die.

d)If they try to destroy the building, we'll attack. ou We'll attack if they try to destroy the building.

c)When we find the enormous crystal, we'll protect it.

2. a) When you go into the first room, you will see an alien.

b) You will be able to go to the second room, as soon as you destroy the alien.

c)If the alien kills you, you will have to start again.

d)When the alien is dead, you will see the door.

e)If you open the door, you will have a surprise!

Explications :

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