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Bonjours, j’ai un devoirs à rendre en anglais. Je suis en 3ème, merci de m’aider.

Bonjours Jai Un Devoirs À Rendre En Anglais Je Suis En 3ème Merci De Maider class=

Sagot :


Réponse :


Do you think you will travel a lot? Or always live in your town? I think I will travel a lot.

Do you think you will take a gap year when you are older? I don’t know yet if I will take a gap year when I am older.

Ex I

Here’s my future plan : when I am 18, I  will take a gap year. Now, let’s make a wish! If I have lots of money, I will take three gap years and I will travel all around the world.


1) Have you ever been snorkelling?

2) My father ran a marathon in 2011 but he didn’t win.

3) My cousin has opened a restaurant in Paris!

4) Oops! I have forgotten my copybook!

5) I forgot my schoolbag in the bus yesterday.

6) Last summer, we visited Scotland.

7) I have never eaten snails, they are so disgusting!

8) I haven’t seen my cousins for three months.

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