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Quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à faire mon exercice d’anglais niveau 5e s’il vous plaît ❤️

Bonjours Quelquun Pourrait Maider À Faire Mon Exercice Danglais Niveau 5e Sil Vous Plaît class=

Sagot :

1.has traveled

2.have never visited

3.Has          forgotten

4.have        taken

5.Have         dived

6.has           been

7.have         eaten

8.Have        fallen

9.Have        read

10.have        seen

1) Have you always worked in this school?

2)Have you always wanted to be an English teacher?

3)Have you ever been to Australia?

4)Have you ever done something dangerous?

5)Have you always been interested in English?

6)Have you ever lived abroad?

7)Have you ever written poems

8)Have you always had the same classroom?

9)Have you ever taught another school subject?

10)Hve you ever forgotten your classroom keys?

Réponse :


Explications :

1) Bob has travelled all over the world

2) I have never visited London

3)  Has your mother ever forgotten your birthday?

4) I have never taken a plane.

5) Have you ever dived from a springboard?

6) My brother has always been absent-minded

7) I have never eaten horse meat

8)  Have you ever fallen in love?

9) Have you read Harry Potter and The Sorcerer’s Stone?

10) Yes, I have, and I have seen the film too.


Have you ever worked in this school?

Have you always wanted to be an English Teacher?

Have you ever been to Australia?

Have you ever done something dangerous?

Have you always been interested en English?

Have you ever lived abroad?

Have you ever written poems?

Have you always had the same classroom?

Have you ever taught another school subject?

Have you ever forgotten your classroom keys?